Matthew West M.A.

Matthew West M.A.

Matthew West began his career as a peace officer in 2000 and has transitioned into risk management in 2018. Matthew received his B.A. in American Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2002

Texas Disasters Inc., Episode 12 of Civil Defense Radio

Jon Cole with Texas Disasters Inc.

After becoming highly involved with the volunteer rescue and relief efforts associated with Hurricane Harvey, he saw numerous issues that could have easily been alleviated by just having a better way of doing things.

Survival with Tim MacWelch

Tim is a regular contributor for Outdoor Life magazine’s website, providing hundreds of blogs over the past few years and currently providing 2 photo galleries a month.

Christ in Action

Christ In Action Bringing Hope to America’s Families

Christ In Action, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1982 by Dr. Denny & Sandy Nissley, has grown into an international ministry touching lives around the world. In the late 90’s the focus shifted from street ministry to disaster relief, preparedness, and crisis intervention training, ministering to those in need as Jesus did (Matthew 25:40).