The development of a new Civil Defense group in America is a big deal to us at Civil Defense Radio. This week we speak with Sean Dolan, the founder and President of the Yellowstone County Civil Defense Force in Montana. This casual discussion is what brought him to this idea and how he has developed […]
Author Archive: Preston
Matthew West on Emergency Management for School Districts
Matthew West began his career as a peace officer in 2000 and has transitioned into risk management in 2018.
Ukrainian Power Grid Cyber Attack Analysis with Rich Breeden Part 2
A look at the differences between the two cyberattacks and if the Ukrainian cyberattack is a model for an attack on the US power grid?
Ukrainian Power Grid Cyber Attack Analysis with Rich Breeden Part 1
Rich Breeden helps us understand the two cyber attacks on the Ukrainian power grid. The first was in 2015, and the second was in 2016. In part 1, we discuss the setup of the attack by the Russian hackers. In part 2, we look at the differences between the two and what made the 2016 attack different. Were the Ukrainian cyber attacks a model for an attack on the US power grid?
CD Radio SitRep Internal Threats – Insurgency
In this episode, which is the first CD Radio SitRep (Situation Report), I cover the internal threat to our way of life as free Americans.
Ben Davidson and Space Weather News
This episode is a really informative discussion of space weather. Ben Davidson is very knowledgeable and articulate on this subject and his insight into this subject is astounding. We talk about many things around the Sun’s effects on our planet and some of the threats he sees ahead in our future.
Preston on Why Civil Defense and the Guide
During this episode I tell you a bit about me and how I came to the conclusion that we need a New American Civil Defense Structure in America and why. I also speak about the Guide that I wrote and that is found on our website that helps you get the conversation started in your local community. US Congressional Resolution 762 was a important piece that suggested a local Civil Defense organization was a good idea.
Joe Weiss on Electronic Control Systems Security
Insight into what may have brought about the latest Presidential Executive Order on securing the national bulk power system and components.
Dr Peter Pry on the Presidential Executive Orders on National Electric Grid Part 2
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. We discuss the two Presidential Executive Orders
Dr Peter Pry on the Presidential Executive Orders on National Electric Grid Part 1
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. We discuss the two Presidential Executive Orders