The Emergency Plan Guide

The Emergency Plan Guide

Virginia Nicols & Joe Krueger, authors of the Emergency Preparedness Guide, have been members of their local FEMA sponsored C.E.R.T. for many years.

Civil Defense Radio Rich Breeden

The Cyber Threat with Rich Breeden

Rich Breeden is a friend of mine locally. His knowledge and experience in cyber threats are right up our alley, so to speak. I asked him to come on the show to give us a first look at the cyber threats and discuss a little bit about what is really going on and why we are still at risk.

Hollerman on Fake News - COVID-19 and worst-case Scenario

Hollerman on Fake News, COVID-19 and worst-case Scenario

Jonathan and I talk a bit about his books and a possible worst-case scenario around COVID-19. We also discuss the fake news that surrounds this event and where that might take us. Links Twitter: @GridDownPrepper Facebook: Instagram: griddownprepper YouTube: Website: Store: Civil Defense Radio Information Website: Facebook: Twitter: […]

Dave the NBC Guy

Dave the NBC Guy

We talk about the various ways it could happen and some of the ways to prepare. Is it an end of life scenario? No, but it is a very bad scenario.

Ready Girl: Inspiring Kids to be Ready

Ready Girl: Inspiring Kids to be Ready

This week we have the pleasure of having an emergency preparedness Superhero on the show. Katelyn James is Ready Girl, from the New York City Emergency Management Department. We discuss how she got started as a Superhero and how the kids respond to her message of preparedness. Please join us for this informative and fun […]

Dr Joe Alton and Medical Preparedness

Dr Joe Alton and Medical Preparedness

Dr. Joe Alton is our guest this week. We discuss how he was introduced to disaster preparedness during his time as a doctor responding to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. He also gives us some great guidance on preparing for a possible Pandemic due to the current 2019-Coronavirus.

La Palma East Coast Tsunami

La Palma East Coast Tsunami

Are you like me and thought the Tsunami threat was a west coast phenomenon? Well, Drew Bunbak enlightens us all on the potential threat to the east coast