I have always been interested in preparedness and ran into old Civil Defense pamphlets that my parents had collected information from the American Red Cross when I ran into them. When I was married and had children I had a keen sense of responsibility and wanted to protect them. I happened on a display that involved an underground shelter with the Civil Defense Volunteers of Utah in 1989 and have been attending the meetings ever since.
~ Jay Wimpey
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Website: https://tacda.org/
Email: [email protected]
Civil Defense Radio Information
Website: www.civildefenseradio.com
Civil Defense Radio on Sitch Radio: https://sitchradio.com/our-shows/civil-defense-radio/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CivilDefenseRadio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Civil_Def_Radio
Oils for Life Today: www.oils4lifetoday.com