Hollerman on Fake News - COVID-19 and worst-case Scenario

Hollerman on Fake News, COVID-19 and worst-case Scenario

Jonathan and I talk a bit about his books and a possible worst-case scenario around COVID-19. We also discuss the fake news that surrounds this event and where that might take us. Links Twitter: @GridDownPrepper Facebook: https://facebook.com/JonathanHollerman Instagram: griddownprepper YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jonathan+Hollerman Website: https://www.griddownconsulting.com/ Store: https://www.griddownconsulting.com/store Civil Defense Radio Information Website: https://civildefenseradio.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CivilDefenseRadio Twitter: https://twitter.com/Civil_Def_Radio […]

COVID -19 A Worst-Case Scenario?

Could COVID-19 cause a worst-case scenario or something more catastrophic for our nation? Let’s work this scenario out. Every week on my Civil Defense Radio podcast I open the show with “Welcome to Civil Defense Radio where we discuss all things Civil Defense. Civil Defense is about building resiliency by becoming better informed, prepared and […]